As a learner, you are guided through different levels, cases, and simulations; earning rewards as you progress. You are given hints and compete with other learners through a leaderboard. Apply what you learn to real-world resident simulations developed by the highly qualified team at the Ontario CLRI at Baycrest.
Learn anywhere
Play anywhere, on any device, at any time
Easy referencing
Access on-the-job tools that can be saved to your favorites for future reference
Boost your resume
Receive a Baycrest signed Micro-Credential for your resume
What topics are covered?
Course content, rules and storyline were created with the latest practice recommendations by industry leading PhDs in PSW education, learning and game design.
Welcome to Long-Term Care
Fundamentals of LTC
Resident Personhood, Bill of Rights & Safety
Age Related Changes
Infection Prevention and Control
Common Care Experiences
Communication & Engaging Families in Care
Conditions: e.g. CHF, osteoarthritis, parkinsons, depression
LIPHA is theserious educational game that has been transforming PSW education in the gerontology space.
"I loved the information that's actually there. If you get the wrong answers, you would also get a feedback that that was the wrong answer, and you would actually try to research more. It would give you time to actually learn about that error that you committed."
"I'm already interested in this field of nursing, so I would say it has only enhanced my interest because the practice– the care practice from my country to here is different, but the primary concern is patient safety, so yeah. So, I would say that the approaches might be different, but the goal is the same."
Schools are using LIPHA
Post secondary Personal Support training institutions are using LIPHA to provide practical career prep for Long-Term Care positions.
Current count of learners using LIPHA across Ontario.
75% of learners are already applying learned competencies.
Another 20% intend to apply.
"As Ontario takes action to increase training, recruitment and retention of health care workers in the long-term care sector, I encourage all long-term care homes and postsecondary education institutions in Ontario to consider adopting LIPHA and making it a part of their existing training and orientation processes."
Why learn in a game?
LIPHA delivers important gerontology content in different ways than the typical classroom.
Game-based learning activates the rewards centres in the brain, and story based learning connects content to emotions.
Video, auditory and visual learners are all supported here, and have greater levels of retention and success.
You have nothing to lose!
If you’re a PSW student, you can unlockaccess to LIPHA for free. To register, please confirm whether you are in Ontario or out of province.
Don’t miss your chance to hone your skills in Long-Term Care, and boost your resume with this certified course from the Ontario CLRI at Baycrest.
If you’re a PSW student in Ontario, you can unlock free access to LIPHA for a limited time. Don’t miss your chance to hone your skills in Long-Term Care, and boost your resume with this certified course from the Ontario CLRI at Baycrest.